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The Oklahoma City Chapter of Jack and Jill of America is a group of multi-faceted women who enjoy the common bond of motherhood.  It is comprised of diverse professional women who contribute their expertise and efforts to the growth and development of the Chapter. 


If you are interested in becoming a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Oklahoma City Chapter, you must live in the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area, have African American children between the ages of two (2) and nineteen (19), and be sponsored and co-sponsored by two members of the chapter.


As a candidate,  you will be invited to attend a meeting where pertinent information, such as the specific criteria, qualifications, cost, selection process, and other information will be discussed.  For more info, please fill out the form below. A member will contact you shortly.



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If you are a legacy (i.e., a child or the spouse of a child whose mother graduated from a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in good standing) and you meet the other criteria for membership, you are eligible for membership as a Legacy Member. Legacy forms can be obtained from our National Office Once this information is received, Nationals will notify the appropriate chapter.

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