Concessions Available!
March 30, 2019
10 am - 2 pm
Langston University- OKC
Join us for a fun-filled afternoon that will TEACH, MOTIVATE, and ENGAGE children ages 5-18 in learning about the various STEM related fields. Activities include hands-on activity stations, live demonstrations and discussions led by industry professionals.
REGISTER TODAY! It is free and open to the public.
S.T.E.M. Topics include:
Women in Aviation
Math Escape Room
Ted Talk: Health Forum
Chemistry Lab
Creating cosmetic products
Heart Health
Computer Coding
Drone Demonstrations
Chase the Sun: OG&E solar car races
Whats next? College 101
Children's Area for Pre-K - 2nd grade
Concession Stand
Click on picture below for more information about each station.
Discover Women in Aviation and explore aviation concepts with AWACS Air Force Pilot Alonzo Wallace.
Taking the popular Escape room to another level, participants must find clues and answer math problems to break loose.
Participants will be exposed to the field of Chromatography, the separation of mixtures in various states.
Notable and diverse healthcare professionals will address prevalent health issues in minority communities, self-care and relevant topics pertaining to youth.
Come an explore in the mobile Chem lab provided by Langston University.
Learn how robots work and the various areas of robotics such as artificial intelligence and robotic engineering.
Ispalon owner Tiffany Lenox and healthcare professional Krystle Hershey will allow participants to explore how science is used to create beauty and health products.
Focusing on the importance of a healthy heart, activities including listening to hearts, taking blood pressure and CPR demonstrations.
Learn the basics of computer coding through interactive games.
Drones will grace the sky as professional operators demonstrates the use of these high flying devices. They will also address the various types and popular uses.
Sponsored by OG&E, participants will build their very own solar car and race it on the STEM Fair test track!
Learn essential information on how to apply and successfully admitted to college. This comprehensive workshop will also outline steps and classes high school students should take to prepare for a STEM-related major in college.